Dear Brand Owners and Distillers,
The 2023 SA Craft Gin Awards has been postponed to 2024, when we will return with a bang.
Due to distiller demand, the awards will grow to African Continent recognition for gins from as far away as Angola, Botswana, Kenya and Zimbabwe.
The gin industry continues to be in healthy growth continent-wide and we are excited to follow it’s progress.
Yours in Gin,
Eamon McLoughlin
The Competition
The SA Craft Gin Awards are the home of the inaugural South African Craft Gin Awards.
These awards represent the first dedicated competition for South African craft gins, and have been founded to celebrate and promote the finest craft gins distilled in South Africa.
The gins will be judged by a panel of judges who will blind taste to discover the top South African Craft Gins.
Double and gold awards will be awarded to the outstanding gins.